The "mansion" as we called it went under contract shortly before beginning our summer travels so we had to move everything out before leaving. But we still had at least a month before we would be able to close on our own house. So we stuffed our things (mainly clothes and some boxes) into our already full storage unit and then some in the basement of our "future" home. (It helps to be friends with the home-owners in situations like this!) And then we left.
We were at a different camp each week, and looking back I can't believe how incredible pretty much all of them were. We've experienced the full range of youth camps, from challenging and difficult to absolutely amazing but this year it was full of amazing camps that had incredible leadership, great accomodations, and actually decent food with the exception of when we ALL got food poisoning. But that was the hotel's fault and luckily it only lasted 24 hours. Really, eating lukewarm chicken fajitas should be a red flag anyway. :)
The funny thing is, we HAD to leave the morning that we were all sick so that I could make my flight that evening (which we missed of course) so we all piled into the car for an 8+ hour drive. We stopped countless times to take turns throwing up. And finally that evening, after having not thrown up for a few hours, we stopped to eat since we were all so hungry. We were so scared to eat anything, though, for fear that it would make us throw up again. So we reluctantly stopped in a little town that really only had one decent dining option... Chick-fil-A. Remember, we had just gotten so sick on chicken fajitas. :) We all thought it was pretty funny to be eating chicken after getting sick on chicken. But then again, Chick-fil-A has some pretty awesome chicken. And I'm not one to be overly-dramatic and swear off chicken just because some person at a hotel can't cook properly. ha ha So the running joke in the band now when something goes wrong is, "Hey, at least it isn't food poisoning!"
Anyway, one of the things I liked the most about this year, besides most of the camps being very family-friendly, is that we met quite a few people that are also going through the adoption process. It was so encouraging to meet people that are experiencing the same things that we are and that have the same passions. It was definitely a special time for us.
It was also my favorite summer so far because it is so obvious that God is putting such a passion for mercy, justice, and compassion in the entire band, not just Stephen and I. This summer is was much more than just leading worship for students. Yes, that is awesome. But the guys were able to share about how incredible it is to be able to live out your faith by your actions. To care about what God cares about. He says that he will accept those who feed and clothe the needy, take care of the stranger, and visit the sick and imprisoned, but that those who don't do those things he will reject. That when you neglect others it's like you are neglecting Christ himself. That's a huge statement. No, you cannot earn your way to God. It is by grace you have been saved. But the Bible also says you will be known by your fruit, and that if you do not bear fruit you will be cut off the vine.
Simply put, we can't be hypocrits! Don't say you believe something when your life does not reflect it. This is an easy thing to say, but much harder to do. Still, it is so exciting to see how God is working in this ministry and in our own lives. To be able to look back and see how much God has grown us and shaped us. We have a long way to go, but, by his grace, we are going!