When we opened the packet (a very thick one at that) we just stared at it for a minute, thinking about what it meant for us as a family. I can't believe it's finally happening! As Stephen put it, it feels like we've just taken a pregnancy test. :)
IAG sent us an official letter telling us what we should expect next as well as a very thick packet that's really more like a big contract that you have to initial every page and read thoroughly. We were so excited that we read the entire thing immediately, and it took several hours. We're already aware at how overwhelming this process is going to feel at times, but we are trusting God that He will guide us through this entire process. After all, if it was God that lead us to adopt then certainly He will see us through the process.
Our next step is to send in the "contract" as well as their agency fee of $4,500. This is the entire amount that IAG charges us. Some may think "Wow, why do they charge that much?" Our agency will be coordinating everything throughout the entire process from the mountains of legal paperwork, translation of the paperwork before sending it overseas to the Ethiopian government, our referral (finding us a child that matches our profile) and all of the travel and court details while we are in Ethiopia to bring our child home. It's quite extensive and usually takes a minimum of a year from start to finish so when when you think about all of the different factors, $4,500 isn't all that much to do all of that work.
We already love the people at IAG. Some of our friends that have adopted a couple of times highly recommended Jim Harding (the head of our agency), and our adoption Coordinator, Susan, has been so encouraging and attentive. It really helps to have people that will be there every step of the way!
We have currently raised $3500 of the $4500 that we need for the first payment (which goes to our agency). We have one month to raise the other $1000 and send it in with the contract. If we take longer than this to make the payment then our adoption is put on hold until we get the money. Then the next step is the homestudy which thankfully only costs $1500. We have to choose a homestudy agency (IAG has recommended a good one in our area) and they will do an in-depth 3 month evaluation of our home/health/finances/criminal backgrounds check/fingerprinting etc. that we have to submit to the Ethiopian government so that they will allow us to adopt from their country.
Again, some have said "Why doesn't the government make it easier to adopt from their country?" The current Ethiopian government really is a good government that has been striving to make Ethiopia more stable and healthy for years now. Unfortunately, because of sheer poverty and aids, the orphan crisis continues to grow at an alarming rate. All of the procedures that the government puts into place (from requiring the in-depth home-study to asking for yearly follow-up reports that show the well-being of the children after they are adopted) show that they really do care about their children. What if these procedures weren't in place? Then anyone could adopt regardless of if you have a violent criminal background or you're a sex offender or you have a life-threatening disease. These are put in place to protect the children. And the largest payment that we have is for the referral of a child. ($9000 if the child is under 3 yrs, $6000 if older than 3 yrs) This money goes back into the orphanages that they are struggling to even have enough of. Right now there are roughly 5 MILLION orphans in Ethiopia. In 2006, only 732 were adopted from the US.
So we move forward, prayerfully and optimistic that although we are at the beginning of a long and difficult process, the Lord will be faithful to guide us and provide for us every step of the way. I know when we hold our little boy in our arms for the first time that it will be completely worth it. That when I see my little girls hug him and kiss him and call him brother it won't even matter what we had to go through to bring him home. It's such a beautiful picture of how God adopted us as His own children. That when we were dead in our sins and enemies of God, He came and died for us to make us His own. He didn't have to but He wanted to.
Please pray for us throughout this adoption. Also, we are selling coffee to help with some of these initial costs so if you haven't gotten any, would you consider buying a bag? Stephen and I are also about to start recording a cd called Adoption Art that will be available later this year or early next year. We so appreciate your prayers and support! Thank you so much!