We called him Bigdaddy. Standing tall at 6 ft 6 in, it wasn't surprising to know that he had been in the military or that he had been the Athletic Director for Houston Baptist University. Despite his size, he was one of the most approachable gentle kind of men there was, especially to his little granddaughters.
I remember being very young and making popsicles with him out of pineapple orange juice. I remember him pushing me on the tire swing while singing his own made-up songs with silly lyrics that would make me and my sisters laugh. When we were little and seated on his knee (and more recently for our own kiddos, his great-grandkids) he loved to make this goofy duck quacking noise meant to make us giggle that was half hilarious, half frightening. My sisters and I still laugh about the duck noises. :)
Bigdaddy also loved to play golf. When we would visit, he would take me and my sisters for a ride, two at a time, in his golf cart. We loved it so much! Sometimes he would take us through the neighborhood to the nearby Dairy Queen, where he would let us pick out a frozen treat if we "promised not to tell mother or grandmother." Then we would drive through the golf course, up and down the hills, and he would let us hold on to the steering wheel and help to drive. We would always stop the cart at several locations and get out and look for lost golf balls to collect. I always smile when I think about one afternoon, when we weren't having much luck finding any golf balls. My youngest sister and I felt bad for our Bigdaddy, so when he wasn't looking we tossed a few of the ones in the cart out into the grass. Then we said, "Look Bigdaddy! I think I see a golf ball right over there!" Looking back, I'm not sure if he knew what we had done, but if he did he played along so well. "Well, look at that!" he said with a smile. "Here, you girls can hold these since you spotted them!"
Bigdaddy was the kind of man that many people were touched by. He wasn't just an amazing father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. As I hear stories of so many people talking about how he touched their lives, I know that he was a spiritual father for many as well. Shortly after Stephen and I first started dating, I introduced Stephen to my grandparents. At the end of that very first visit, I remember Bigdaddy telling Stephen, "Now Stephen, regardless of whether or not things work out between you and our granddaughter, we want you to know that you are like a grandson to us now. If you ever need anything at all, you let me know." And just like that, Bigdaddy took my future husband under his wing and promised to be there for him.
He was more than just a granddad to Stephen and I. He was a mentor to us. When I wrecked Stephen's car while we were still dating, my grandparents got him a replacement. When we had our first baby and needed a more reliable vehicle, they loaned us the money interest-free to buy a better one. They showed us how to pay it down quickly, and when we had done so quite a bit, they went ahead and forgave the rest of the loan. I remember him always telling us, "Now one of the first things that most young people do when they get married is go into debt. But the last thing you want to do is go into debt. It's a cycle that you'll be stuck in for years. Instead, save up and pay cash." He taught us not just about finances but about marriage, loving your spouse well, and living a life of faith and of generosity. He did so with not only his words but even more so by how he lived life. He was kind, gentle, and extremely generous. He loved the Lord so deeply, and it showed throughout his life.
Yesterday morning my Bigdaddy passed away. In some ways I can hardly believe it. Is he really gone? This man that has made such a mark on my life and my family. Almost a year ago, we sat in his living room and I watched as he played with my own children the same way that he played with me as a little girl. How I wish I could talk with him one more time to tell him how much of an impact he made on me, on Stephen, on our children, on so many others. How I wish I could hug him one more time and tell him how much I love him. This man... what a life well lived. I will never be able to count all of the ways that he has blessed his family, his friends, and so many others. One day, though... one sweet day we will see him again. I can only imagine the sheer joy that he is experiencing right now. He gets to see Jesus, and no doubt hear the words, "Well done, good and faithful servant."
We love you, Bigdaddy and already miss you more than words can say.