Sunday, October 2, 2011

"So why did you choose to adopt internationally?"

 This is one of the main questions that Stephen and I have been asked lately. There is so much need, both overseas and right here in our own country and city, that it can be sometimes overwhelming to pinpoint where you want to start. Stephen and I are both incredibly passionate about caring for orphans in general, but as we started to look into the possibility of adopting, we really felt that international adoption was the right choice for our family right now.  Here's why.

Over the past few years especially, Stephen and I have begun to grow more and more passionate about international missions for a few reasons.

1) The extreme poverty in many of these developing countries is unlike anything we see here in America.  36 million people die of malnutrition and the diseases caused by it each year! The leading cause for child mortality worldwide is malnutrition.  And I can tell you, just by walking the streets of Addis Ababa, that this kind of poverty is absolutely horrific... and it's everywhere in Africa particularly.

2) There are literally thousands of people groups that have absolutely no access to the gospel whatsoever.  This is a heartbreaking reality, and we know that as Christians God has called each of us to go make disciples.  While we greatly value reaching out to those that are in our immediate circle, if none of us are willing to go further, then how can others hear? It is for this reason that Christ said to go and make disciples of all nations. Because God actually loves them just as much as he does Americans. That may sound harsh, I know, but I think we sometimes forget that the majority of the world isn't living the American dream, nor anything close to it.  And that many people have never even heard the name of Jesus let alone the hope of salvation that we have through him.

3) We know that we want our family to be a picture of the gospel, not just in terms of adoption (God first adopted us into his family and made us his own), but also as a display of the truth of God's love for every tribe, tongue, and nation.  He loves people no matter their color, ethnicity, or language.  We are all fearfully and wonderfully made!

Our decision also came from a lot of prayer for clarity and direction.  Like almost two years worth.  And from that we began to see God confirm the path for us over and over again through circumstances, people and even dreams.

I will also say that God ALWAYS prepares you for the things he calls you to do.  The biggest comment I've probably heard from people concerning our adoption is, "I could never do that because..."  So many people love the idea of adopting but feel unable to do so.  Here are many statements we've heard.

"I couldn't adopt because we don't make a great income."
"Maybe I would have if I didn't already have kids of my own."
"I just don't know if I could love them enough/like my own kids."
"I'm too busy to adopt."
"I don't have enough patience for that kind of thing."

Let me tell you, as a young couple that makes a very modest income, already had two children biologically, has a very busy life, travels a decent amount of time for Stephen's work, and I am not naturally an organized person, nor do I love laundry or dishes... at all... God prepares and equips each family despite whatever challenges you may face.  I'm not saying it is a breeze.  It takes a lot of hard work!  But I am saying that all things are possible with God if you have a willing heart.  Faith + a willing heart = unlimited possibilities as to what God can do through you (despite yourself.) So many people told us about how hard adoption would be, but few shared about how much joy it would bring us. It far outweighs the challenges!

If you feel that little pull or tug toward adopting, but you have concerns or doubts about it being possible, don't let that concern or fear keep you from pursuing God on this issue.  It is absolutely true that he not only makes a way for it to happen (sometimes just one step at a time like he did with us), but he also provides every little thing that you need in order to do so, not only during the adoption process but also in your new life after you bring your child home.  For those who want to adopt or feel called to adopt take courage that God is so faithful to provide!  I often felt like Moses during our adoption process.  We didn't know the details of how it was going to work but the one thing that we did know is that God said, "Go." Each step of the way, he provided just in time.  Each time we didn't have a solution, he would part the red sea so to speak.  It has been so beautiful and has caused us to fall in love with the Lord even more.  I pray that more families will be blessed in this way, and that they will take courage that where the Lord leads, he absolutely always provides.

As I said earlier, international adoption was the right choice for our family right now.  Meaning, are we going to adopt again? Maybe so. From Ethiopia?  Perhaps. Another country? Possibly.  Do foster care? We're certainly open to it in the future.  Who knows, we many even have another baby biologically.  This is not because we want "tons" of kids necessarily or because we think it would be easy to do so.  (Yeah right!) But we want to let God guide us in what our family will look like and not put limitations on what he has for us.  If there's one thing that I can say we've really learned going through this adoption process, it has been that God will always be faithful no matter the challenges and no matter the circumstances.  This fact has given us an incredible amount of courage and faith because we've seen him provide over and over again even when it seemed impossible.  Certainly he will continue to be faithful, and seeing his faithfulness in our lives brings so much peace and joy!